Here I am – It is written about me in the scroll

We are coming up on the most important holiday in the history of mankind. Resurrection Sunday marks victory over death that our Lord Jesus won for us all! He stood and declared that He had come to fulfill what was written of Him in the Word. He had come to do the will of His Father. The fulfillment of His mission has brought about all that we are doing here at Victorious Christian Harvesters. Our Mexican Ministers are preaching the “Good News” of our risen Lord, all over Mexico!

On Friday, February 3rd, we were blessed to celebrate the inauguration of the New Harvesters Auditorium.

On February 21-24, VCH held our Mexico National Pastors Convention in the new IHI Auditorium.  Pastors and leaders from our 59 churches participated from all over Mexico.

This was the most impacting convention in the history of our ministry! The guest speakers were Dr. Alejandro Salazar, Pastors Pedro and Leti Cantu, Pastor José Guadalupe Reyes, as well as Donna and David Blanchard who shared powerful messages on being Leader of the Kingdom of God! The impartation and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God during the entire week was just incredible!

We had our own Asbury outpouring of the Holy Spirit take place as our ministers fervently sought the Lord! Pastors were changed, encouraged, revived and empowered for this great end-time harvest! The Victorious Christian Harvesters Mexico National

Pastors Convention was historic! Never in the history of VCH has there been such a great outpouring, anointing and move of the Holy Spirit of God in our pastor´s convention like this year! This is the time to seek the presence of God! This is the time for revival! This is the time for the great end-time harvest to take place!

We also have indigenous pastors from six different dialects from the southern part of Mexico, who are part of our ministerial association.


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witness, telling people about me everywhere – In Jerusalem, throughout Judea, In Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

-Acts 1:8

We are so honored to have an amazing worship team under the direction of Oscar David. This team allows God´s Holy Spirit to flow through them. They blessed and refreshed our pastors.

To read and see more photos about the Pastors Convention Click below:

John 4: 34-38

in the “Passion” translation says, “Then Jesus spoke up and said, My food is to be doing the will of him who sent me and bring it to completion. As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to his disciples, “Why would you say, “The harvest is another four months away”?

Look at all the people coming – now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain – ready for a spiritual harvest. And everyone who reaps these souls for eternal life will receive a reward.

And those who plant spiritual seeds and those who reap the harvest will celebrate together with great joy! And this confirms the saying, “One sows the seed and another reaps the harvest.” I have sent you out to harvest a field that you haven´t planted, where you. And now you are privileged to profit from their labors and reap the harvest.”

Dear Co-Harvesters,

VCH will be holding our Easter week INVASION April 2 – 8, 2023, in one of the most challenging subdivisions in Mexico City. This suburb county is called “NEZAHUALCÓYOTL.” This is from the Náhuatl indigenous tribe and means the “hungry coyote”. “In this subdivision, there is a lot of crime, violence, and gangs. The Gospel changes people from the inside out!

On Monday, March 6th, we held our pastors set-up breakfast with 54 churches that responded and are planning on participating in this Easter INVASION. 

More have communicated with us that they will be coming as well.

Right now, VCH has a $25,000 matching fund opportunity to double you giving for these spring and summer INVASIONS. Every donation that you give towards these city-wide mass evangelism training and outreach seminars will be matched, dollar for dollar. Please mark for “INVASIONS” on your special donation. Thank you for your help!

Declaring What is Written in His Word with you,